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our values


Building Christian communities


What God has fundamentally called us to is to build a community – not a set of activities but a way of life lived with others.


We believe that living as a Christian makes much more sense when lived out in some form of Christian community.


And so, as we invite people to get to know our way of life we also encourage them to ask what God is calling them to, if he is calling them to our community or some other community.



Encouraging the gifts of the Holy Spirit


Our origins lie in the charismatic renewal in the Catholic world, indeed for some years we were home to the international Catholic charismatic renewal office before it moved to Rome.


We believe in the Holy Spirit’s action in the world today and we seek his gifts, fruits and intervention both individually and corporately.


This is reflected in our charismatic worship and our evangelism in which we try to help individuals encounter the “love of God poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.” Romans 5:5.



Serving one another


The fundamental call that Jesus issues to his disciples: deny yourself and take up your cross is foundational to who we are. We want to reflect our Lord himself in being servants of one another and corporately being a servant people to the world around us.


We believe that in order to live fully as a “healthy body” everyone needs to have a kingdom service.  No one service is more important than another but all must play their part.


We seek to work with individuals to help them find that place of service. For some that may be more practical or organizational service, for others more in caring for people spiritually or practically, for others still, in preaching or teaching or worship.


At any rate, the point is not to maximize our giftings but serve faithfully wherever there is need ready to set aside our own welfare or personal concerns in order to do so.

1. Covenanted community
2. Charismatic
3. Service


Following Christ


Jesus’ call to learn as his disciple is not just for a particular area of our lives or a particular season in our lives but asks for all of our lives for the rest of our lives.


We believe that God’s word is living and active and his call on our lives is to ever greater holiness. We wish to live our lives with others, giving and receiving encouragement, correction and help freely.


Through regular biblical teaching, through our men’s and women’s small groups, and through our 1-1 mentor system we try to ensure that we are all continuing to grow in holiness as we continue to live out the challenge of God’s call as lifelong disciples.



Engaging in Christian mission


The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of great joy. “He came that we may have life and and life to the full” and for some reason God chooses to use us in furthering that gospel.  At the same time the world that we live in seems to be increasingly hostile to faith.


We believe that we are called to engage the ‘battle’ going on today for the souls of men and women, “not fighting against flesh and blood but… against the spiritual armies of wickedness.”


And so, part of what it means to engage that ‘fight’ is to work tirelessly in speaking to others about the power of God and inviting them into relationship with him.  We want to live a life without walls where others can see in, find a home amongst us and most of all encounter the living God.



Reaching across generations


It seems to be part of God’s design that human beings do not separate along generational divides but share life across generations. Yes, there is much wisdom to be gleaned from the old and much energy to be found in the young but in our experience it simply adds a human richness to life when generations are integrated.


We believe the Lord desires us to be an intergenerational people where all generations are represented. A community where small children, families and grandparents are living the same way of life and worshipping together.


In our life together, our worship, our activities we seek to take into account the needs of young and old. And indeed, we expect many, if not most, of our children to hear the Lord call them to be a part of our community when they grow older.



Working at the unity between Christians


We describe ourselves as a Catholic community with an ecumenical calling. 


As a Catholic community we regularly celebrate the Catholic Eucharist and mark the seasons of the year particularly around the 40 days and Easter. Indeed over 20 men and women have found the seeds of their vocation to Catholic priesthood, monastic or convent life in Jerusalem. At the same time, over the years we have always had brothers and sisters as full members in our community from other Christian traditions.


We believe that it is God’s will that his people be united as Paul writes in Ephesians: “his purpose for the fullness of time is to bring all things under the headship of Jesus.” And so we are confident that the prayer that Christ prayed “that they may all be one” will – one day - be accomplished.


We are open to Christians of other traditions, we seek to learn from each other, respecting our differences, working for reconciliation and presenting a united witness in Christian mission. We want to live to further that unity for which our Lord prayed, guided by the ecumenical directives of the Catholic Church.

4. Discipleship
5. Mission
6. Intergenerational
7. Catholic & ecumenical
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