Pharos, our student outreach is based at the Leo XIII Seminarie in Leuven and brings together Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox students in a work of mission. Pharos exists to help students in Leuven discover the call of God on their lives and provide environments where they can respond to the challenge of that call.

Community Living
Some of our Pharos students live together in a men’s or women’s household. It’s a great way to build friendships for life. Sharing meals, studying together, praying together. Over 50 students have shared life in Pharos households in past years with many of them going on to serve the broader church in many different ways…
“Living in Household taught me a lot, about myself, about getting on with people, about Christian habits for daily life… and it was a lot of fun…”
Worship & Formation
We gather as Pharos regularly on Monday evenings in the Pharos Lounge. Sometimes we are focused on worship, other times on teaching to help us live the Christian life more fully.
“I remember my student years fondly but it was also a time of some trepidation as I anticipated the future and the various decisions that lay before me – having Pharos was a huge support for me in that time, solid Christian relationships that helped me stay focused on what is important in life…
The Christian message is totally relevant today! Every year our Pharos students seek to reach out to other students who perhaps know something of Christianity but have never really encountered God. Sometimes it’s an event, or some kind of regular programme but more often simply in sharing our daily life that we are able to invite others to come and meet a God who desires to be involved in our lives.
Pharos is part of the Kairos Network, strengthening university outreach works throughout Europe and the Middle East.
For more info visit https://www.facebook.com/pharosbelgium/