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Women's Brunch

On Easter Monday we had the privilege of coming together in Maïté’s home for the yearly women’s brunch for our Jerusalem women of all ages – the third edition!

An event myself and my daughters always look forward to. I asked them why they enjoy going and the JOY they experience when coming together was the first thing they said! Then also of course the yummy food and also the personal attention they receive from older sisters in Christ.

We had Christiane Lewerentz in our midst – one of the sisters in the Bethany association, our Sword of the Spirit sisterhood of women living single for the Lord.

After a time of praise and worship, Christiane shared her personal story of God calling her to live single for Him. We could hear of His work in her life and were drawn to reflect on His work in our own lives and the rich and full life He has given us.

During the meal time I saw the youngest in the room playing on the floor, older girls jumping on the trampoline and giggling away, teenage girls sitting in the sunshine together asking some more questions to Christiane, young mothers relaxing, grandmothers enjoying the company.

I count myself blessed to call each of them my sister in Christ.

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