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David (8): David the friend

Earlier this month Dave Quintana talked to us about David the friend.

You can watch the video through this link.



  • "Friendship takes effort. It’s work. To make, keep, cultivate, grow relationships we need to pay attention to it."

  • What is one thing I could decide to do to make be a better friend?

  • “God made us to be in relationship, with him and with one another”

  • What could I do to help my children grow in friendship, particularly with other boys/girls in the community? (A question for ‘younger' members)

  • “Give your brothers/sisters permission to speak into your life”

  • As receiver: Is my life fully ‘open' to my brothers/sisters to speak into?

  • As giver: How well do I speak words of healing? Do I speak up when something is wrong? Do I speak words of courage, joy, life?

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