Connect, I always look forward to this gathering and I always see and feel the Lord at work. For this particular meeting I had to motivate myself a bit more than usual. The last few times it was always a lot of work to preparethe venue, as the room is full of bridge tables that we all have to move away beforehand and back in place after the gathering. The bar has no glasses, nor a fridge any more, our decoration material has all been lost over the summer. So in brief it's a lot of work with sometimes a throwback, to organise a gathering for sometimes only 15 people…
I had admitted these discouraging thoughts into my heart, which made the departure to the meeting a little more difficult this time, but when I arrived at 'Ons Huis' (Our house) I was surprised by a lot of new faces, a whole delegation of Pharos as well as some other new faces. My heart leaped with joy and thanked the Lord.
I think we have prayed together with 40 to 50 young people. A time of praise and an inspiring teaching about the two kingdoms. Paul Jordan explained to us the 7 strategies that Satan uses to admit sin and to keep us away from God's kingdom. We have taken time to reflect about this with our neighbor and then pray for it.
At the end of the meeting, we always take the time to share something. I would like to share a nice anecdote from a young woman who attended our meeting. She is from Africa and has been living in Belgium for several months now, for her job. Two hours before our connect meeting she had seen on facebook that a Christian prayer meeting was going on. And voila she stood there. The Lord is at work. We ended our meeting as usual with a drink and a piece of pizza at the bar.
I dare say that our connect meetings are of very good quality, beautiful music, always very deep but accessible teachings, times of prayer where the Lord is present. We have been gathering for more than two years now and we have grown, the Lord is working with us.
We would like to ask for your prayer
1. For all the people who have already come to Connect that they can continue to grow with the Lord.
2. For all the people we will still reach with Connect
3. That God may give us a suitable location to pray together and praise Him
4. For our next connect gathering on the 14th of december