Through the mist we pilgrimage to 'the sharp hill'.
The location was nice and comfortable.
Three pharotes (members of Pharos) took care of the day for the children. Thanks to them: Sandra, Francesca and Madeleine! And also to all the others who took care of the kids and youth!
Jean-François said a word of welcome to everyone and especially to Des Dick and Nathalie (New Zealand from London Community). Trees and Jan Bosch also shared with us all day. Even old members Lieve and Jan Janssens came to greet us.
Pr. Servaas spoke from his abundant education and he sometimes overflowed. The theme was Mary and us (in the Roman Catholic Church). Do we give the right honour to God in Christ? If we do that then our devotion to Mary is no problem. She is Mother, Model disciple, Mediatrix, Fellow member of the Church and Communicator of messages from and to God. Her feasts, the Angelus and the Rosary are al ports of our act of worship.
After his conference Servaas celebrated the Eucharist in the Basilica with African hymns (thanks to our sisters).
Then the group photo outside, followed by an Internet quiz (for quick people) with questions about Mary in which twenty-four groups participated. After a fiery call from Tony to support the missionary activity of SoS, Jonas said a word of thanks to Servaas on behalf of our community.
We finished the day with an animated reception where Pr. Servaas continued his counseling with some of us. Pr. Paul VanderStuyft joined us. Priests are a gift for Jerusalem...
A well-timed day that has passed too quickly!