For some years now the work of the Sword of the Spirit in the European and Middle East region has been growing, especially in the Middle East. So much so that we decided to split the region into two zones with two councils.
The European Zonal Council is the new Coordinator body that governs our work in the European Zone of the Sword of the Spirit. Andy Pettman will lead this group in his capacity as Zonal President.
2-3 November was the first gathering of this new group. Paul as Senior Coordinator and Tony as regional coordinator attended.
Some highlights:
° The European region could look very different in 10 years time. It is very likely that we will add new member communities to our zone over the next number of years. There are 6 groups that we are working with who are discerning to join our community of communities. 3 of them are in Poland! Pray for the Lord to guide.
° Kairos is about calling people to the truth of Christ, putting them to work in making a Kingdom Contribution and helping them build friendships with other young Christians. Over 1500 young people have participated in Kairos programmes until now. We are encouraged and thankful to the Lord for his grace as we see many of them go on to be pillars of our communities. The work is extending now to incorporate not just students but also younger teenagers and older young professionals.
° We had a strong sense that we must stand in unity and work for unity as we continue to follow the Lord and build his Kingdom.