Who are you?
Paul Zoklits. Born in Vienna in a Catholic family. Oldest son out of three children.
What did you do with SOS during this summer season? Where and when did this take place?
For three weeks I lived at the house of the Servants of the Word in Belfast. I continued to build more relationship with the brothers and learned about their life. The last ten days of my days in Belfast we had a big conference called 'For the World'.
Some more explanation about this?
It was a Kairos conference organized for students to be equipped, encouraged and to surrender more of their life to God. The first half of the conference was about giving teaching to more committed Christians to train them for pastoral service. In the second half more people came and the 'trained' group could apply what they learned, in supporting and serving their brothers and sister in the following days of the conference. A core area for the whole week was being one in Christ. Being united in Jesus and serving one another in unity.
What was a highlight of your time there?
My highlight was a day wherein the morning an Anglican and Catholic bishop came to speak. It was encouraging to see how God is healing and restoring his church in Ireland. Good things are happening in this country and many young Christians are becoming more active in the church.
What do you bring back to Jerusalem from your time there?
A lot of new friendships and people I want to pray for. It gave me a greater vision for Europe and inspired me to invest myself more into God's kingdom and his mission.