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Ascribe to the Lord

(W.) Ascribe to the Lord,

O heavn’ly beings,

ascribe to him glory and strength.

O come ascribe to the Lord

the glory of his name

and worship him in holy array.


(M.) The voice of God

is upon many waters,

the God of glory thundering forth.

The voice of God

full of majesty and power:


(W.) Hallelujah (x4)


(M.) The voice of the Lord

breaks the cedars of Lebanon.

The voice of the Lord

flashes forth flames of fire.

The voice of the Lord

strips the oaks and forests bare,

and in his temple all cry: Glory!


(W.) The Lord sits enthroned

over all the flood;

from there he reigns

enthroned as King forever,

giving his strength to the people

who know his name,

the Lord blessing His people

with peace.

James Berlucchi © 1981 The Word of God

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